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Essay On Bhimrao Ambedkar In English

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Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar was a very important person in India. He was born on April 14, 1891, in a small village in India. He faced so many problems because of his family background.

Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar liked the study. He went to school and college and learned a lot about laws and how societies work. He also went to other countries’ universities to study more.

He saw that many people in India were treated badly because of their caste, so he decided to do something about it. He wrote books and gave speeches to try to change this thing. He wanted everyone to be treated fairly no matter their caste.

And in this essay on Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar, I will tell you how you can write an essay on it. And after reading this essay you can write an simple essay on it without any mistakes.

Paragraph on Bhimrao Ambedkar

Bhimrao Ambedkar was a very important and famous person in India. He was born on 14 April 1891, in the town called Mhow. Ambedkar faced so many problems because of his family background and caste. He liked learning and he went to school and college. Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar saw that so many people in India are treated badly because of their caste, so he decided to change this rule. Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar wrote books and gave speeches to make society finer. Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar has helped to write the rules for India. He confidently says that every person should get the same rights and no matter their caste. But Dr Bhimrao Ambekar died on 6 December 1956 in Delhi, and still people remember him and his ideas. He showed that one person can make a big difference, and his legacy continues to inspire people to work for rights and equality.

10 lines on Bhimrao Ambedkar

  1. Bhimrao Ambedkar was an important and famous person in India.
  2. He was born on April 14, 1891.
  3. Ambedkar faced problems because of his family.
  4. He liked studying new things like laws and how societies work.
  5. He wanted to change unfair treatment in society.
  6. Ambedkar helped to write the rules of India.
  7. He made want that everyone should have the same rights.
  8. Still, now people remember him and his ideas.
  9. He showed that one person can make a large difference no matter his caste.
  10. Ambedkar’s legacy inspires fairness and equality.

Short Essay On Bhimrao Ambedkar (429 words)

Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, also called Babasaheb Ambedkar, was a very important person in India. He was born on April 14, 1891, in a town called Mhow in Madhya Pradesh, India. He faced a lot of unjust treatment because of his caste when he was growing up. But instead of giving up, he decided to fight against this unjust treatment and work for the rights and respect of people who were treated badly because of their background. He was a leader, a thinker, a lawyer, and someone who helped make India a better place for everyone.

Ambedkar’s life story is really inspiring. He was born into a Dalit family, which faced a lot of discrimination in India. But he didn’t let that stop him. He worked very hard in school and college and earned degrees from some of the best schools in India and even from abroad. This education gave him the power to speak up against the dishonest caste system in India and fight for equal rights for everyone. His journey shows how determined and smart he was.

Ambedkar did something really important for India. He worked hard to write the Constitution of India, which is like a rulebook for how the country should work. He made sure that everyone, no matter who they were, had fair treatment and equal chances. His ideas helped create a country where everyone could have their say and be treated equally.

Ambedkar didn’t just stop at making laws. He kept fighting for people who were treated unfairly, like Dalits, women, and others who were pushed to the side. He worked hard to end things like untouchability and the unfair caste system. He also pushed for special help for those who needed it, so everyone could have a fair chance in life.

Ambedkar didn’t just leave his mark in politics and law. He was also a really smart writer and thinker. Even today, people read his books and ideas because they still make sense. He talked a lot about making society fairer and giving everyone the same chances. His thoughts are like a roadmap for anyone who wants to make the world a better and fairer place.

In conclusion, the life of Bhimrao Ambedkar shows us how education, determination, and bravery can help us beat tough times and make good things happen. He never gave up on making things more suitable for everyone. His hard work for social justice and equality has made a big difference in India and even beyond. That’s why people all over the world respect him so much.

Long Essay On Bhimrao Ambedkar (783 words)


Dr Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar is known as Babasaheb Ambedkar. He was a great person who made a continuing impact on Indian society, especially in areas like fairness, equality, and how the country is governed. Even though he was born into a group of people who were treated unfairly, Ambedkar’s life shows us how someone can overcome challenges and make a difference. He did a lot as a lawyer, an economist, a person who wanted to make society better, and even as a politician. 

Early Life and Education: 

Bhimrao Ambedkar was born on April 14, 1891, in a little place called Mhow, now Madhya Pradesh, India. His parents were from the Mahar caste, a group that was treated very poorly in Indian society at that time. Even though he faced a lot of unfair treatment and was kept away from others because of his caste, Ambedkar was very smart. He worked hard to get an education, even though it wasn’t easy. He didn’t let anything stop him, and he ended up getting degrees from really good schools in India and even from other countries.

Ambedkar was so good at school that he got scholarships to study at Columbia University in New York and the London School of Economics. There, he learned a lot about things like economics, law, and how societies work. This knowledge gave him the tools he needed to speak out against unjust rules and fight for the rights of people who were treated badly.

Social Reformer and Champion of Dalit Rights: 

Ambedkar spent his life fighting against unfair treatment based on caste in India. He stood up for the rights and respect of Dalits, who were once called “untouchables.” He led many movements and projects to help them. In his important book “Annihilation of Caste,” he discussed strongly against the caste system and said it should be ended completely. Because of his hard work, many background people got better treatment, and he inspired lots of others to fight for fairness too.

Ambedkar did something really important to help Dalits when he led the making of the Indian Constitution. As the head of the group that wrote it, he made sure the Constitution said that everyone in India should be treated equally and have the same rights, no matter what caste, religion, or gender they were. The Indian Constitution, which was finished on January 26, 1950, shows how Ambedkar wanted a just and welcoming society for everyone.

Architect of Indian Constitutional Democracy: 

Ambedkar didn’t just write laws; he helped shape the whole idea of how India should be runHe believed strongly in democracy and fairnessand he made sure these ideas were at the heart of the Constitution. He also pushed for special help, like reservations, for people who had been treated unfairly in the pastThis was to make sure everyone got a fair chance, especially in schools and government jobs.

Ambedkar also stressed how critical it is to follow the rules of the Constitution and have a strong sense of what is right and fair in society. He thought that for a democracy to work well, it needed more than just political freedom. it needed fairness in how people were treated and in their opportunities. His words and ideas about following the Constitution still help people understand how to make fair rules, not just in India but everywhere.

Legacy and Influence: 

The impact of Babasaheb Ambedkar did not fade away with time but it only grew stronger. He is a symbol of standing up against unfair treatment and a source of motivation for millions of people who are fighting for respect and fairness. His ideas still motivate movements that make for the rights of those who are treated poorly, not just in India but all over the world.

Ambedkar’s influence on India can be seen in many areas like politics, law, education, and social programs. His dream of a society where caste should not matter and where everyone is treated fairly guides people who make laws and those who work to make society better. His ideas help to shape efforts to create a world where everyone has a golden opportunity.


In conclusion, the life of Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar shows us how determination, intelligence, and bravery can make a real difference in fighting injustice. Ambedkar was a person who worked to make society better, a legal expert, and the person behind India’s Constitution. His ideas still matter today, reminding us that the fight for fairness and justice never ends. Ambedkar’s legacy isn’t just a part of India’s past; it’s a reminder of how powerful ideas can be and how strong people can be in the face of challenges.

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