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Essay On My Favourite Book- ‘Harry Potter’ for Students

Essay On My Favourite Book

My favourite book is Harry Potter it is a fantastic book which is written by J.K. Rowling. This book is about a young magician named Harry Potter and his friends names were Hermione and Ron. They go to Hogwarts, a school for magicians. Harry sees that he is a magician and 11-year-old Harry go to learn magic in the Hogwarts. This book is full of magical creatures, adventure, and battles. All over the world, this book is famous because this book teaches us about friendship, bravery, and never giving up.

In this essay on my favourite book. I will give you a simple essay on it and after reading this you will be able to write an essay on it without any mistakes.

Paragraph on My Favourite Book

Harry Potter is my most favourite book. It is an adventurous and popular book in the world. And all over the world people like these books. This is about a boy named Harry Potter who goes to Hogwarts to learn magic with his friends Ron and Hermione they learn magic, meet cool creatures, and fight against the devil. People love this book because it is full of adventures and magic. this book teaches about friendship college and love this book is not only a series of books This book is like going on a magical journey. This book is also loved by children.

10 Lines on My Favourite Book

1. “Harry Potter” is my favourite book. 

2. This book is about Harry Potter who can do magic.

3. Harry Potter goes to Hogwarts to learn magic.

4. There are so many magical creatures and exciting battles.

5. In this book the devil was lord Voldemort. 

6. This book teaches about friendship and bravery. 

7. The Harry Potter book is loved all over the world.

8. All ages people can enjoy this book. 

9. Harry Potter’s friends are Hermione and Ron. 

10. And they face so many challenges.

Favourite book harry potter

Short Essay on My Favourite Book (375 words)

My favourite book is “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” and it is a world-famous book written by J.K. Rowling. It is loved by many people all around the world. This book is the story of a child whose name is Harry Potter who is a magician and goes to a special school named Hogwarts. He carries all kinds of exciting adventures in the magical world of Hogwarts.

I like “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” because the story of this book is very interesting. As Harry Potter Got a letter from Hogwarts it felt like I was there with him and I was feeling all the magic and excitement with him. The imagination of J.K. Rowling and the way she tells everything in detail make Hogwarts feel real and it feels like I am part of the adventure of Harry with his friends Ron and Hermione as they find the secrets of the magician’s stone.

The characters in “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” are great. Harry is brave and honest like a hero. Ron is very faithful and funny, which makes me smile. And Hermione is super smart and never gives up, which inspires me to do my best. Together, they are best of best friends, which shows us the importance of friendship and faithfulness. All characters of Harry potter teach us very important lessons.

“Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” is not just about magic and excitement but it is also about good winning against bad and the importance of doing right. When Harry faces the bad magician Voldemort and his followers, the Death Eaters, he shows us the importance of being brave, keeping going even when things are tough, and standing up against injustice and wrongdoings. It teaches us many important lessons about courage and fighting for what is right.

In conclusion, “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” is my favourite book because this book brings me to a place of magic where love and friendship can defeat any wrong thing. The story of Harry Potter is very interesting, the characters are amazing, and the messages it shares will keep inspiring people of all ages for a long time. This book is very special and will be loved for many years.

Long Essay on My Favourite Book (519 words)

The Harry Potter series is not just a bunch of books but it is like a hugeamazing thing that is loved by many readers all over the world. And at the centre of all that magic is “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone,” the first book that began this fantastic journey. It is still my favourite book out of all the magical adventures in the series.

As I started reading “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone,” it felt like I was in there in the story. J.K. Rowling is amazing at making this magical universe feel so real, with every detail making it come alive. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, with its cool things like stairs that move, paintings that talk, and secret rooms, felt like a place I belonged, where anything could happen.

The main character in the story is Harry Potter, a child who finds out on his eleventh birthday that he is actually a magician and has a big fortune ahead. He had a challenging time growing up, raised by relatives who did not treat him well. But everything changes when he gets a letter saying he is accepted to Hogwarts, a school for magicians. There, he learns about his parents’ magical history and starts to discover some really scary secrets about his past. Along the way, he faces off against the bad guy who killed his parents, a magician named Lord Voldemort.

What makes “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” my favourite book is how amazingly it is told and the characters that feel like real mates. J.K. Rowling has created this bunch of characters who you feel like you have known forever, each with their own strengths. Harry is a really very brave and honest hero who faces up to all sorts of scary things to fight against evil. His friends Ron and Hermione are just as cool, with Ron’s faithfulness and funny jokes balancing out Hermione’s super smarts and determination. Together, they are awesome and go on loads of adventures and their friendship grows stronger through it all.

“Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” is not just a fun story with great characters but it is full of deep messages that speak to everyone. It is all about how love, friendship, and bravery can beat even the most difficult things. Harry’s adventure teaches us loads of important things, like how important it is to do the right thing, even when it’s hard, and how we can find strength when things get tough. The book’s themes of good fighting against bad, staying loyal, and getting another chance are things that stick with you even after you finish reading.

In conclusion, “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” is my all-time favourite book because of its magical world, unforgettable characters, and important messages. J.K. Rowling’s amazing storytelling makes you feel like you are exactly there with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, facing all kinds of adventures. It’s a reminder that with courage and friendship, anything is possible. Reading this book was like discovering the real magic of stories, and it’s something I will love forever.

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