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My Favourite Season Essay- ‘Summer and Autumn’ for Students

My Favourite Season Essay

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My favourite season is Summer. In summer the weather is warm and hot. In summer I play outside games with my friends. In summer my family go to the beach, picnics, and camping. I like to wear shorts and T-shirts in the summer. And I also like ice cream and coldrinks. And in the summer season, I always eat tasty mangoes. Overall, the summer season is full of laughter, happiness and fun.

In this essay, I will tell you an essay on my favourite season and after reading this essay you will be able to write an essay on it without any spelling mistakes.

Paragraph on My Favourite Season

I like the summer season. In the summer season, we feel so much warm. And in summer I can play, swim, and go for picnics with my friends. I wear half pants and T-shirts because it’s hot. To cool down I eat cold ice creams. I like to go to the beach and picnic. And I like to eat tasty mangoes in summer. The summer season makes me happy! I have fun with my family and friends. We all laugh a lot and make good memories in the summer. Flowers bloom, and birds sing happily. Really, It’s a special season.

10 lines on My Favourite Season

  1. In Summer climate is very warm weather.
  2. I love playing outside with my friends in the summer.”
  3. We all friends go for swimming in summer.
  4. I like to wear short pants and half T-shirt.
  5. We all friends eat ice cream cones to stay cool.
  6. Going to the pool or the beach is the best part of summer.
  7. I like to eat tasty fruits like Mango, watermelon, etc.
  8. I see beautiful flowers and green trees everywhere in the summer.
  9. I hear the sound of crickets chirping in the evenings.
  10. The summer season makes me happy and excited.
My Favourite Season Essay

Short Essay on My Favourite Season (363 words)

My favourite season is Autumn out of all the seasons. In this season everything changes in nature, and the colours become amazing. The air feels fresh and cool, and I love the sound of leaves crunching when I walk. It is like magic for my senses and makes me feel truly alive.

Autumn is more special to me because of the weather. After the super hot summer, autumn comes along with cool, fresh breezes. It is great for wearing comfortable sweaters and enjoying hot drinks. The air feels both refreshing and calming, making outdoor activities like hiking or just walking in the park enjoyable.

Autumn is also the time of harvest when food is abundant around. Farms and orchards are full of ripe fruits and vegetables which give us lots of yummy choices. It feels really good to chew on things like freshly picked apples, juicy pears, and sweet potatoes that are in season.

I love the autumn season because nature become very beautiful at this time. When the leaves change colour and fall, it is like watching an attractive painting. The landscape turns into a masterpiece with deep reds, golden yellows, and deep oranges everywhere you look. Each leaf seems like a tiny work of art. Walking through forests or driving along country roads surrounded by these amazing colours feels like being inside a painting. It fills me with wonder and amazement every time.

Besides its attractive looks, I also like its unique sounds and smells. And then there are the relaxing smells: the earthy smell of fallen leaves, the scent of wood smoke, and the spicy fragrances of cinnamon and cloves. They all bring back memories and make me feel warm and happy inside.

In conclusion, autumn is full of beauty, plenty, and enjoying memories. Its cool breezes, delicious harvests, and colourful decor bring so much happiness and amazement. Whether I am enjoying the beautiful leaves, drinking hot drinks, or just breathing in the fresh air, every moment of autumn makes me feel grateful and happy. For me, autumn is not just a time of year; it is like stepping into a magical world that I look forward to every year.

Short Essay on My Favourite Season (583 words)

Seasons are like nature’s paintings, each one creating its own beautiful picture over time. Of all seasons autumn is my favourite season because it is like a fascinating orchestra of colours, smells, and feelings, bringing a sense of wonder and peace. It is always been my favourite season, not just because it looks so pretty, but also because of the deep feelings and memories it brings out in me.

Autumn also known as fall which is the time between summer and winter. It usually starts in September in the Northern Hemisphere. During this time, days get shorter and it starts to get cooler. Autumn is so special because of the amazing look of the leaves. Trees turn in all kinds of beautiful colours like red, gold, and orange, making everything look like a fairy tale for a little while.

One of the best parts of autumn is watching the leaves fall from the trees. It is like a beautiful dance as they wind and float down in the cool breeze, finally landing softly on the ground. And when you walk, the sound of leaves crunching under your feet is like music, reminding us how nature keeps changing and starting a new one.

Autumn is a time when our senses are satisfied with so much goodness. The air carries the earthy smell of fallen leaves and the sweet fragrance of ripe fruit. And when you catch a breath of wood smoke from bonfires, it adds another layer to the sensory experience, bringing back memories of relaxing get-togethers and the warmth we share with others.

More than just its beauty, autumn means a lot to me because it encourages deep thinking and starting fresh. As nature gets ready for winter and the leaves fall, autumn reminds us to think about how time passes and how life goes in cycles. It is a time to let go of what’s old and be thankful for what is coming next, accepting change with an open heart.

Autumn is full of delicious delights from nature, like crunchy apples, juicy pears, and big pumpkins, along with tasty spices. And going out to pick them, whether it’s from an orchard or a pumpkin patch, is really fun. It makes me feel happy and closer to nature, like I am a part of something special.

Autumn is also a time for parties and special traditions. We have harvest festivals, make cider, and celebrate holidays like Halloween and Thanksgiving. It is when people get together, share food, tell stories, and have a good time. These traditions are not just about eating but they are about feeling connected to each other and being part of something bigger.

Autumn is not just important in our culture, but it is also a big deal in literature, art, and music. Lots of poets, painters, and musicians have found inspiration in its beauty, creating amazing works of art. Think of Vivaldi’s “Autumn” or Keats’ “Ode to Autumn”—they capture the feeling of the season so well. Throughout history, Autumn has been a poet for all kinds of creative people.

In conclusion, autumn is not just a time of year; it is full of experiencing nature’s beauty, filled with wonderful smells and views. It inspires us to think and create and reminds us to enjoy what is happening right now. As the leaves fall and the weather gets cooler, I feel grateful for the magic of autumn and how it makes me feel so amazed by the world around me.

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